The people in Morocco are polite, even to people they dislike, and so it helps to know that politeness can go a long way.   Speaking of politeness, if you are going to be on the beach, you can wear shorts, but other than that, long pants are a must.

The people in Agadir are strongly connected  to the ocean, but besides that they are strong merchants. It might happen they contact you to try selling some things, from handycraft to almost everything. Sometimes they just want to exchange some of there products for something you have with you, from your cell phone to your clothes.

Culture and Society Moroccan society is a fascinating melting pot of different cultures: Berber, Arab, Jewish, Muslim, African and European. The late Hassan II, king of Morocco, compared the country to a tree with its roots spreading deep into the heart of Africa, its trunk solidly set in the Arabo-Islamic world, and its branches reaching beyond Spain, Portugal and France to the heart of Europe.

Along with their monuments, Morocco is also a symphony of different forms of music and dance that make it one of the most "musical" countries in the world.

The fine cuisine, the rich biodiversity, the hospitality, the vibrant civil society, the active elite, the diverse geography, the religious and ethnic tolerance, the Andalusian heritage, the varied economy and the longest Monarchy in the world-all of these make of it an interesting case that is worth visiting.

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